Against All Odds by Becca Hart

Suspense Book

Book reviews are subjective. I tend to rate books not according to how “perfect” they are, seem to be, or are said to be in general but rather to how perfect they are to me. Anaiah Press provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for an honest review.

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Go to Against All Odds on GoodreadsAgainst All Odds by Becca Hart

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Self-defense once required Elizabeth, a widowed mother, to shoot a man. Now the man’s sister is bent on revenge. For protection, Elizabeth accepts help from a family friend, Gilbert, a widower with children of his own. But harmony between their families, and safety for their lives, isn’t easy to come by in Against All Odds, a novel by author Becca Hart.

Though it takes a little while before it has a prominent place in the story, the romance in this novel does come to find its groove. It’s well-paced and develops naturally, in a way befitting two middle-aged parents who are still coping with the deaths of their former spouses. The novel addresses some tough and complex issues while danger is continually lurking, but it manages not to be a depressing story, and the characters keep their sense of humor. Plus, on a fun note, I enjoy the rare occurrence of seeing a romantic hero or heroine who wears glasses!

In a number of places in the book, I found the style and phrasing to be a bit too basic, and sometimes rather predictable or redundant. There are repeated references to Elizabeth having romantic chills and various mentions of Gilbert’s crow’s feet and smoldering eyes. Elizabeth’s perspective and prayers also have a lot of repetition through the novel, as she wonders or questions what’s “happening” and why or how God could let something “happen,” time and time again.

Still, fans of ChristFic romance who can appreciate some high stakes and family life may want to check out this story of faith, love, and overcoming fear.

Meet Nadine C. Keels

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